He is one of the founding members and the main composer of the band.
His splendid guitar work is world-famous. He has released his solo albums in '85, 89, and '96. He also works as an instructor of a guitar clinic, and as a producer. The guitar wizard enjoys to fish, paint, cook, and perform magic tricks during his private time.

The melody maker of the band has taken his first piano lesson at the age of 5.
He is well-known for the chord proggressions and the hooklines that he plays.
He is also famous for his work as a radio personality, and as a director of computer gamewares. He is highly admired and looked up by many of the young keyboard players.
The rythm titan has joined the band in '90. He has been working as a professional bass player for over two decades now. He is known for working with famous musicians such as Lee Litnour, George Duke, and Larry Graham. He is also famous for his brilliant stage performance. He also works as an instructor of a bass clinic.
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